Promoting Collaboration
for the Real World
Listed below are selected learning outcomes in the area of critical thinking that Western Washington University is actively integrating into its curriculum.
Each learning outcome is listed with its definition, along with a description of
how Robin Kodner's teaching strategies meet each of these student learning outcome
Critical Thinking
Learning Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Accurately identifies and interprets evidence.
The students learn to identify the variables and testable hypotheses throughout the course. They then apply
these ideas to a real-world data set by first identifying the variables in the data
set and deciding on testable hypotheses given the variables.
Alternative Consideration
Considers major alternative points of view.
Hypothesis testing is an exercise in determining if a null hypothesis should
be accepted or rejected in favor of an alternative hypothesis.
Accurate Conclusions
Draws warranted, judicious, non-fallacious conclusions.
Students have the opportunity to practice this skill though their service learning project, where they have a
responsibility to their partner organization to be as accurate as possible in their interpretations.
Justifies key results and procedures, and explains assumptions and reasons.
The students go though a list of formal steps to data to make sure it fits the
criteria for each statistical test chosen. The students must record all these
tests and assumptions so the process of analysis is transparent to me and to the
partner organization.
Quantitative Reasoning
Learning Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Mathematical Information
Represent mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically, and verbally.
Students learn the theory and basic mathematics behind statistical tests, and
then learn when to apply the appropriate methods.
Mathematical Methods
Use arithmetical, algebraic, geometric, and statistical methods to solve problems.
This course inherently incorporates mathematical methods for analyzing data. |
Mathematical Models
Interpret mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, tables, and schematics, and draw inferences from them.
Students learn the basic conceptual theories behind the statistics they will use to analyze data and do practice problems by hand,
on problem sets, and in groups.
Estimate and Check
Estimate and Check Estimate and check answers to mathematical problems in order to determine
reasonableness, identify alternatives, and select optimal results.
Students taught to �sanity check� results, by going back to the data to make sure
results are reasonable. They must also first make sure data meets all the assumptions
and requirements to run every statistical test. In the final projects, they practice this
process repeatedly, building confidence and familiarity with the process.
Mathematical and Statistical Limits
Recognize that mathematical and statistical methods have limits.
Students learn to define exactly what statistical test results mean and describe
each analysis in their final reports.