Innovative Teaching Showcase
The following staff of the Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment contributed to the design, graphic creation, video production, and coding involved in the Innovative
- Graphic design: Alex Fry
- Video footage and production: Ian Couch, Justina Brown
- Animated video introductions: Alex Fry, Ian Couch
- Scripting and CSS coding: Ben Greene
- Web development: Ben Greene, Jenna Wilson, Justina Brown
Design Elements
- Typefaces: Montserrat (Headings/titles), Playfair Display(Sub-headings),
Droid Sans(Text), Baskerville (videos)
All fonts used are part of Google Fonts
- Colors: Blue (150,183,198), Pink (241,161,133), Yellow (251,191,122), Page Background (#ccc)
Software Used
- PhotoShop / Illustrator
- Dreamweaver / Visual Studio
- Premiere
- Embedded Videos - This Showcase utilizes YouTube to play movies on the "Videos" pages, which only require the Flash player. By embedding YouTube's proprietary code for each of our movies into the HTML of the player pages, the movies play seamlessly within the design of the website.
- Javascript
Image Permissions
All of the graphical design elements for the Innovative Teaching Showcase are original creations generated via in-house photography and graphic design. Photos purchased from iStock are used in accordance with iStock's content license agreement; photos obtained from Stock.xchng are used in accordance with Stock.xchng's image license agreement. All other copyrighted material on the website is used with permission.
A detailed list of images and design elements used in this Showcase is under development and will be published here.
Home Page and Design Elements
- Photography and Artwork, Alex Fry, CIIA, WWU (2013)
Showcasee Pages
- Portfolio
- Showcase Videos
- Interviews conducted and recorded by Justina Brown and Ian Couch
- Classroom footage: Justina Brown
- Captioning by Jenna Wilson, WWU, 2013
- Intro Segment
- Music: Acoustic Loop 34, by JHnger (2010), Pond5, Royalty Free
- Animated introduction by Ian Couch and Alex Fry
- Time lapse video by Ian Couch
- Movie 1: From Experientail Education to Service-Learning
- National Outdoor Leadership School Screen Shot**
- Outward Bound Screen Shot**
- The expedition!, Flickr (felipecancino, 2013)
- P6270093, Flickr (lastbeats, 2002)
- Summit Camp, Flickr (mikep, 2005)
- Atlantic Canyon Day Hike, Flickr (JHutch, 2010)
- NOLS WMI Class in Sweden, Flickr (Let Ideas Compete, 2009)
- Splinting, Flickr (anselm23, 2007)
- I - Team planning, Flickr (felipecancino, 2013)
- Mountain High - Patagonia, Flickr (Bret Frk, 2007)
- Outward Bound Mission Statement Screen Shot**
- Outward Bound Pictures 097, Flickr (emerald isle druid, 2006)
- Let's go!, Flickr (helloraine, 2009)
- Beam Reach Screen Shot*
- Beam Reach notes*
- Beam Reach on the boat*
- Beam Reach Seaweed*
- Beam Reach Equipment*
- Beam Reach recording findings*
- Biology Building, WWU*
- Natural Sciences, Flickr (Lower Columbia College, 2006)
- Beam Reach lowering the equipment*
- Beam Reach testing equipment*
- Beam Reach recording information*
- Beam Reach computer data*
- Beam Reach graph*
- Beam Reach recording statistics*
- Beam Reach retrieving data*
- Computer Lab, iStock (benedek, 2006)
- Movie 2: Getting Started with Service-Learning
- Blackboard equations, Flickr (hugovk, 2013)
- Kelper's Equations, Flickr (EJP Photo, 2011)
- Differential Equations, Flickr (meneldur, 2005)
- 2012 Zaagkii Hannahville 4-12-12 (21), Flickr (Zaagkii Wings and Seeds Project, 2012)
- Dr. Garnet Hertz, center, helps students Jes Koepfler, from the University of Maryland, left, and Anthony, Flickr (G A R N E T, 2012)
- Soil Scientists at Work (4), Flickr (Soil Science @ NC State, 2010)
- Equations, Flickr (thipla, 2011)
- Video of the Center for Service-Learning**
- Video of Banner for the Center for Service-Learning**
- Conservation Northwest Screen Shot**
- Whatcom Land Trust Screen Shot**
- Nooksack Salkmon Enhancement Association Screen Shot**
- Water vibrational transitions, Flickr (The^Bob, 2013)
- clean data and updated spreadsheets [H23/365], Flickr (eclecticlibrarian, 2013)
- Geotag popularity per linear foot of blocks of different circumferences, Flickr (Eric Fischer, 2011)
- Income vs. 2012 presidential vote, Flickr (ewedistrict, 2012)
- Assess-Hypothesis-Apply Graphic**
- Movie 3: Cultivating Civic Engagement via Real-World Data
- frustrated students, iStock (cjmckendry, 2006)
- Wrapping one's head around the data, Flickr (Unhindered by Talent, 2007)
- Outward Bound Educational Framework Screen Shot**
- GT w students_6472, Flickr (Tulane Publications, 2009)
- Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Screen Shot**
- Whatcom County Public Works Screen Shot**
- We Snip Screen Shot**
- dog, Flickr (Alex Balan, 2009)
- cat, Flickr (MowT, 2007)
- Nooksack Salkmon Enhancement Association Logo**
- Field Trip to Bonneville Dam, September 2010, Flickr (CarolMunro, 2010)
- Field Trip to Bonneville Dam, September 2010, second picture, Flickr (CarolMunro, 2010)
- Salmon ladder, Flickr (paulafunnell, 2005)
- Salmon and sea trout, Flickr (mrjorgen, 2005)
- Structural Geology Class, Flickr (Dave Schumaker, 2004)
- Physics students take advantage of a sunny march afternoon to test their solar cell, Flickr (University of Saskatchewan, 2007)
- Solar Panel Set Up*
- RMZ Millenia Business Park, Chennai - India's Largest LEED Gold rated Green Building, Flickr (g_gauri, 2006)
- Prius under the hood, Flickr (Beth and Christian Bell, 2006)
- Movie 4: Service-Learning Design Challenges
- Lessons Learned graphic**
- Field notebook*
- Students listening outside*
- The Inspired Scientist, Flickr (PEN American Center, 2009)
- Student Blog Training 2011, Flickr (projectexploration, 2011)
- Derivative Works, Flickr (widdowquinn, 2008)
- Data set and visualization, Flickr (quinn.anya, 2012)
- Video of Classroom and students**
- Movie 5: Supplementary Benefits for Students
- Students Also Learned graphic**
- Quotes from students graphic**
- Biologists at work on Brenton Island NWR, Flickr (USFWS/Southeast, 2010)
- 120209-N-LP801-032.jpg, Flickr (Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet, 2012)
- Map of Bellingham Screen Shot**
- LinkedIn app fail, Flickr (markbult, 2010)
- Biology students get great field experience through ecology, aquatic microbiology, labs, internships, and more!, Flickr (UNH Manchester, 2010)
- Desk loaded with papers, Flickr (th0mi, 2008)
- From Skyscrapers to Forests 7, Flickr (BLMOregon, 2010)
- Haitian student leader, Jensen, explains the basics of Kreyol to international volunteer, Steve, Flickr (IDVMedia, 2010)
* Photos provided by Robin Kodner (2013)
** Graphics, screen shots, and footage provided by Ian Couch (2013)
- Portfolio
- Showcase Videos
- Interviews conducted and recorded by Justina Brown and Ian Couch
- Field footage: Courtney Blodgett
- Captioning by Jenna Wilson, WWU, 2013
- Intro Segment
- Music: Acoustic Loop 26, by JHunger (2010), Pond5, Royalty Free
- Animated introduction by Ian Couch and Alex Fry
- Time lapse video by Ian Couch
- Movie 1: Team Project Genesis
- American Boys in Uniform 1950S, Flickr (roberthuffstutter, 2012)
- 1954 - Cub Scout, Flickr (clotho98, 2010)
- Ross Lake, Flickr (mthaeg, 2010)
- Ross Lake Dam, Flickr (North Cascades National Park, 2010)
- Canoeists on Ross Lake, Flickr (North Cascades National Park, 2012)
- Ross Lake, Flickr (Michael @ NW Lens, 2007)
- Sunny day on Ross Lake, Flickr (North Cascades National Park, 2012)
- Cedar Falls B&W, Flickr (eglavin, 2010)
- Cedar, Flickr (The Knowles Gallery, 2010)
- City Council ETC Meeting 9/22, Flickr (City of Seattle Community Tech, 2011)
- Sally Bagshaw at NBHC meeting, Flickr (litlnemo, 2010)
- Neighborhood Plan Update meeting, 5/14, Flickr (litlnemo, 2010)
- City Council chambers, 1962, Flickr (Seattle Municipal Archives, 1962)
- University of Washington Campus & Vicinity, Flickr (AvgeekJoe, 2011)
- Jumbo Mountain, Flickr (cascade hiker, 2009)
- Geology of the Sierra Nevada, Flickr (brewbooks, 2009)
- Environmental Sciences Building, Western Washington University (Michael Leese, 2010)
- HONK! Fest 2010: Parade from Davis Square to Harvard Square, Flickr (Chris Devers, 2010)
- U.S. Capitol building, Flickr (@mjb, 2005)
- L-13-04-10-A-007, Flickr (US Department of Labor, 2013)
- dougherty_cohousing_06, Flickr (Cristacat, 2010)
- dougherty_cohousing_02, Flickr (Cristacat, 2010)
- 11-11-11 at Wing Coop, Flickr (Jesse Michael Nix, 2008)
- 11-11-11 at Wing Coop, Flickr (Jesse Michael Nix, 2008)
- Study Group at UBC Library, Flickr (UBC Library, 2008)
- Study Group, Flickr (shawnclahoun, 2010)
- Movie 2: Creative Brief Exercise
- Students listening outside*
- Students near the water*
- Students climbing on rocks*
- San Jaun Islands*
- Northwest Trees*
- Flower*
- World Population graph**
- Carbon Footprint graph**
- Bellingham, Flickr (minneapolis, 2008)
- Bellingham Bay, Flickr (joshua alan davis, 2010)
- earth, Flickr (dreaming in the deep south, 2012)
- Earth in Hand, Flickr (, 2009)
- Aldo Leopold., Flickr (The Forest History Society, 1911)
- sand country almanac, Flickr (cdrummbks, 2010)
- Logs, Flickr (decade_null, 2006)
- Smog, Flickr (CzechR, 2011)
- Mineral, Flickr (, 2009)
- Oil Wells, Flickr (Tommy Ironic, 2007)
- Wind Turbines, Flickr (ali_pk, 2008)
- Biodiesel Behind Bars, Flickr (radven, 2007)
- Recycling Plastics, Flickr (allybeag, 2003)
- Colorful Recycling Containers for Trash, Flickr (, 2011)
- Tree Farm 1, Flickr (Gnome J, 2010)
- Fish, Flickr (yamuhaton, 2008)
- Looming Topsoil, Flickr (Auntie P, 2006)
- Water Jet, Flickr (fxdx, 2011)
- Aerial view of the Amazon Rainforest, Flickr (CIFOR, 2011)
- The Moon and Earth (NASA, International Space Station, 01/08/12), Flickr (NASA'S Marshall Space Flight Center, 2012)
- The Earth, Side B, Flickr (Flatbush Gardener, 2007)
- Life finds a way, Flickr (Ingolfur B, 2010)
- The Mine...Another Look, Flickr (Storm Crypt, 2008)
- Recession Chart, iStock (malerapaso, 2009)
- Movie 3: World of Work
- John Miles**
- Franklin's Tower, Flickr (pyramis, 2009)
- Outdoor Lunch*
- Field Trip Lunch*
- Sucia Island*
- Students on a boat*
- State Street High School Screen Shot**
- Silver Creek High School Screen Shot**
- Explorations Academy Screen Shot**
- International Student Orientation 1, Flickr (pennstatenews, 2008)
- Day 2: Rock School, Flickr (Joshua Berman, 2008)
- Student Exploring Rocks*
- Student Climbing into Rocks*
- Students at a Rope Course*
- Students in a Circle*
- Journal, Flickr ([E]mmanuel17, 2008)
- Movie 4: Team Challenges
- Students with Professor, Flickr (Sewanee: The University of the South, 2008)
- May 8: Doc Criticism Panel, Flickr (uniondocs, 2010)
- Constructive criticism, Flickr (alaina.buzas, 2007)
- Hand Writing, iStock (bsj, 2008)
- Newspapers in the forest, iStock (zianlob, 2012)
- Main shelf at end of today's project work, flash, Flickr (broken thoughts, 2008)
- Telephone Calls, Flickr (Let Ideas Compete, 2009)
- Deal!, Flickr (bayat, 2008)
- Door to Nature, iStock (R-J-Seymour, 2013)
- Service Learning Activities 175, Flickr (MistyHCunningham, 2009)
* Photos/footage from Sucia Island and other field sites provided by Courtney Blodge (graduate TA) and Gene Myers (2013)
** Graphics, screen shots, and footage provided by Ian Couch (2013)
- Portfolio
- Showcase Videos
- Interviews conducted and recorded by Justina Brown and Ian Couch
- Captioning by Jenna Wilson, WWU, 2012
- Intro Segment
- Music: Chipped Stones (Acoustic Loop 5), by Blindfold (2011), Pond5, Royalty Free
- Animated introduction by Ian Couch and Alex Fry
- Time lapse video by Ian Couch
- Movie 1: Value of Civic Engagement
- Movie 2: Service-Learning Design and Orientation
- Movie 3: Interacting with Community Partners
- drawing, iStock (Kalawin, 2012)
- Flip Desktop Calenadar Pages, iStock (Geowulf, 2010)
- Calendar, iStock (grublee, 2009)
- Morning Meeting, iStock (xelf, 2006)
- Psychiartrist and Patient, iStock (101dalmations, 2013)
- Patients telling their problems to a therapist, iStock (4774344sean, 2013)
- Advisor in office, iStock (tomazl, 2009)
- Hands in, iStock (urbancow, 2010)
- Young college friends studying together in a classroom, iStock (GlobalStock, 2010)
- Students at work, iStock (urbancow, 2011)
- Tutor group, iStock (urbancow, 2008)
- Mentor shaking hand with student, iStock (Gerber86, 2013)
- Pretty college student shaking professor's hand in class, iStock (asiseeit, 2013)
- College professor shaking hands with guest speaker in classroom, iStock (asiseeit, 2013)
- Desktop PC, iStock (mbbirdy, 2008)
- 2012 Zaagkii Hannahville 4-12-12 (21), Flickr (Greg Peterson, 2012)
- She Shoots People, Flickr (Robert Wallace, 2008)
- Shooting at the Beach, Flickr (notnyt, 2012)Movie 1: Value of Civic Engagement
- Movie 4: Tips for Implementing Service-Learning
- Movie 5: Positive Outcomes of Service-Learning
Notes on Purchased Images
Images obtained via Stock.xchng were acquired legally and are used in accordance with their image license agreement. Images obtained via iStockphoto were purchased legally and are used in accordance with their content license agreement .