Mission & History


The Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment (CIIA) is dedicated to the enhancement of teaching and learning at Western Washington University. The Center promotes discussion and debate about teaching and learning, provides support to faculty in instructional innovation and course development, and helps nurture a culture of educational innovation and instructional excellence across disciplines.


The Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment was started in 1997-98. A faculty and student task force shaped the vision for the CIIA as they recognized the need for institutional support in curricular transformation integrating sound pedagogy with new technologies. This vision is evolving during a time of rapid change in the environment of higher education, and the Center will assist faculty in meeting the changes they will face in the teaching/learning environment of tomorrow. Beginning in 2010, the Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment operates with input and direction from a faculty advisory board. In 2013, the CIIA reporting structure changed from the Provost to the Academic Technology unit.

Crossing the boundaries of discipline and college, the CIIA works with the entire campus community to ensure that the best instructional practices are promoted and supported. Working closely with Wilson Library, the colleges, departments, Outreach and Continuing Education, and the Office of the Provost, the CIIA provides leadership, resources, and assistance to Western’s most critical mission—teaching and learning.