Learning to think : disciplinary perspectives
Presents a model of learning that takes into account the different ways learning occurs in different academic disciplines and explores the relationship between knowledge and thinking processes. Janet Donald--a leading researcher in the field of postsecondary teaching and learning--presents a framework for learning that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge to encompass ways of constructing and utilizing it within and across disciplines.
Cognitive styles.; Education, Higher.; Knowledge, Theory of.; Learning, Psychology of.; Onderwijspsychologie.; Leerprocessen.; Cognitieve stijlen.; Kennis.; Höheres Bildungswesen; Lernpsychologie; Lerntheoretische Didaktik; Pädagogische Psychologie; Apprentissage.; Éducation intellectuelle.; Enseignement supérieur.; Processus cognitif.; Psychologie de l'apprentissage.; Style cognitif.; Théorie de l'apprentissage.; Apprentissage, Psychologie de l'.; Styles cognitifs.; Théorie de la connaissance.; Psychology of learning.; Higher education.; Theory of knowledge.; USA.