Enabling knowledge creation : how to unlock the mystery of tacit knowledge and release the power of innovation
Review: "Weaving together lessons from such international leaders as Siemens, Unilever, Skandia, and Sony, along with their own firsthand consulting experiences, the authors introduce knowledge enabling - the overall set of organizational activities that promote knowledge creation - and demonstrate its power to transform an organization's knowledge into value-creating actions.
Créativité dans les affaires.; Apprentissage organisationnel.; Communication en gestion.; Gestion des connaissances.; Communication in management.; Creative ability in business.; Knowledge management.; Organizational learning.; Kennismanagement.; Impliciete kennis.; Wissensmanagement; Innovation; Unternehmen; Organisatorisches Lernen; Implizites Wissen; Wissensmanagement.; Innovation.; Unternehmen.; Organisatorisches Lernen.; Implizites Wissen.