Effective grading : a tool for learning and assessment in college
From the Publisher: The second edition of Effective Grading-the book that has become a classic in the field-provides a proven hands-on guide for evaluating student work and offers an in-depth examination of the link between teaching and grading. Authors Barbara E. Walvoord and Virginia Johnson Anderson explain that grades are not isolated artifacts but part of a process that, when integrated with course objectives, provides rich information about student learning, as well as being a tool for learning itself.
Grading and marking (Students)--United States.; College students--Rating of--United States.; Educational tests and measurements--United States.; Education, Higher--United States.; Universities.; 2011NEWJANUARY.; College students--Rating of.; Education, Higher.; Educational tests and measurements.; Grading and marking (Students); Collegestudent; Schulleistungsmessung; United States.; USA; USA.