Innovative Teaching Showcase
The following staff of the Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment contributed to the design, graphic creation, video production, and coding involved in the Innovative
- Graphic design: Rebecca Freimuth, Torrey Jakubcin
- Video footage and production: Rebecca Freimuth, Torrey Jakubcin, Justina Brown
- Animated video introductions: Rebecca Freimuth, Torrey Jakubcin
- Scripting and CSS coding: Ben Greene
- Web development: Ben Greene, Jenna Wilson, Justina Brown
Design Elements
- Typefaces: Montserrat (Headings/titles), Playfair Display(Sub-headings),
Droid Sans(Text), Baskerville (videos)
All fonts used are part of Google Font
- Colors: Purple (#7B6BC5), Blue (#219CFF), Green (#4A7B10), Dark Blue (#1d2e52), Page Background (#000000), Page Background (#DBE3EE)
Software Used
- PhotoShop / Illustrator
- Dreamweaver / Visual Studio
- AfterEffects
- Premiere
- Embedded Videos - This Showcase utilizes YouTube to play movies on the "Videos" pages, which only require the Flash player. By embedding YouTube's proprietary code for each of our movies into the HTML of the player pages, the movies play seamlessly within the design of the website.
- Javascript
Image Permissions
All of the graphical design elements for the Innovative Teaching Showcase are original creations generated via in-house photography and graphic design. Photos purchased from iStock are used in accordance with iStock's content license agreement; photos obtained from Stock.xchng are used in accordance with Stock.xchng's image license agreement. All other copyrighted material on the website is used with permission.
Home Page and Design Elements
- 3D and vector art - Carson Johnston, WWU graphic design student, 2010
Showcasee Pages
Paula Dagnon
- Portfolio
- Details forthcoming
- Details forthcoming
- Showcase Videos
- Intro Segment:
- Movie 1:
- Conceptual Framework photo*
- Creative Writing Editing Library Paper photo. Pixabay (2013)
- ***Students and teacher sketch drawing***
- Online discussion board screen shot**
- ***Two iPads***
- Raised fingers in class, iStock (style-photographs, 2011)
- Student Connection, iStock (Rawpixel, 2013)
- internet, iStock (atakan, 2013)
- Movie 2:
- Wiki facilitation brainstorm photo, Flickr (Robyn Jay, 2011)
- Keywords Wiki Website screenshots**
- Oxford dictionary photo, Flickr (emdot, 2008)
- Catherine Mohr TED photo, Flickr (Joshua Wanyama, 2007)
- Erin Cooney:A radical shift in perspective photo, Flickr (TEDx SanDiego, 2013)
- IBM Design Studio Grand Opening photo, Flickr (IBM Design Studio, 2013)
- lexical photo, Flickr (Jonathan Cohen, 2014)
- Distance or online training concept photo, iStock (Palto, 2009)
- Camera Work photo, Flickr (Simon P. Little, 2013)
- Wiki loves Sound-workshop geluid, Flickr (Sebastiaan ter Burg, 2013)
- Playing sound in Audacity photo, Wikimedia Commons (Ter-burg, 2013)
- Where I'm From screenshot,**
- Student example video of Where I'm From project*
- Movie 3:
- Seattle to WWU graphic**
- the hypocritic days photo, Flickr (Jessica Lucia, 2010)
- Movie 4:
- Canvas by Instructure photo (Canvas)
- Social Media Information Overload, Flickr (Mark Smiciklas, 2012)
- Technology Tools for Educators logo, Flickr (jennip98, 2013)
- CHEW3835, Flickr (Trinity College, 2008)
- Project comments screenshot*
- Course schedule screenshot*
- Course syllabus screenshot*
- Movie 5:
- Assessment Learning Cycle photo**
- Salford Business School launched unique open access online course, Flickr (University of Salford Press Office, 2013)
- 7 Principles of Good Practice Online, Flickr (Giulia Forsythe, 2011)
- Students teaching students 3, Flickr (David Silver, 2008)
- Windows Firewall Error,
- Application Error,
- Windows Security Alert,
- CCE Mentoring Project Infographic, Western Washington University*
- Online Mentoring, Flickr (Alec Couros, 2008)
- He's Home, Flickr (Chris Burke, 2011)
- EP goes mobile-check it out!, Flickr (European Parliament, 2011)
- Ticking Digital Clock, YouTube (DrLex1, 2012)
- Students in DuPont Library, Flickr (Sewannee: The University of the South, 2008)
- Mobile Worker, Flickr Flickr (Michael Coghlan, 2012)
- UKMW 07 287, Flickr (Jon Pratty, 2007)
- Classroom Clock, Flickr (Chris Campbell, 2005)
- Tag Cloud, Wikipedia (Luca Cremonini, 2007)
*Photos, screenshots and student examples provided by Paula Dagnon (2014)
** Graphics, screenshots and student examples provided by Paula Dagnon (2014)
*** Details forthcoming ***
Rebekah Green
- Portfolio
- Details forthcoming
- Showcase Videos
- Intro Segment
- Movie 1:
- Blended Learning Methodology, Wikipedia
- Half Moon Bay State Beach (Dunes Beach). Flickr (End User, 2006)
- Skyline in Turkey*
- Faith Street 7*
- Green with man*
- Green with women and child*
- Green and men talking*
- Seismic Hazard Setting map, USGS
- Green with a group of people*
- Presentation*
- Presentation audience*
- Demonstration*
- Skyline in Turkey 2*
- Town street*
- Office worker with paper bag over her head, iStock (gremlin, 2011)
- Projection screen in the boardroom with projector, iStock (Bzzz, 2007)
- ***possible learning activities for an online course***
- ***Three cutouts of books***
- ***Continents by color***
- *** photo of people walking in park***
- Sand Castle, Flickr (horizontal.integration, 2009)
- *** Lauca National Park photo***
- Class size animation***
- Movie 2:
- ***Lecture room chairs***
- *** students in lecture hall***
- *** Groups of people at tables***
- *** People in lecture room turning to look at camera***
- Screenshot of Canvas groups*
- Screenshot of Canvas modules*
- 70 people graphic***
- Slide presentation, iStock (sinngern, 2014)
- Magazines, iStock (jocic, 2010)
- Group of people icon graphic***
- ***Older students posing next to computers***
- *** Three students looking at a computer***
- High school student reading a book, iStock (franckreporter, 2013)
- Canvas discussion post screenshot*
- Case Study Application screenshot*
- Movie 3:
- ENVS 303 Course Schedule*
- ***all the fishing pictures***
- ***fish drawings***
- *** Styrofoam fish***
- ***Yogurt cups***
- ***Class discussion***
- ***Small class discussion***
- Washington State map with people***
- Footage from online fish game*
- ***Fish photos***
*Photos, screenshots and student examples provided by Rebecca Green (2014)
** Graphics, screenshots and video footage provided by Becca Freimuth (2014)
*** Graphics provided by Justina Brown (2014)
*** Details forthcoming ***
Jerimiah Welch
- Portfolio
- Details forthcoming
- Showcase Videos
- Intro Segment
- Music - Infant, performed by Podington Bear, 2013
- Animation and photography by Torrey Jakubcin, WWU design student, 2014
- Movie 1:
- Video of students and classroom**
- Examples of computer drawings by students*
- Screenshots of CATIA software program used by Welch's class**
- Course evaluations for Welch's ETEC 113 Course*
- Merrimack College Moving in day, Flickr (Merrimack College, 2010)
- Video Lectures- Student Feedback graph**
- Students looking at their car models*
- Movie 2:
- Video of students and classroom**
- Project rubric*
- Conversation: 6/365, Flickr (Todd Fong, 2010)
- Communication, iStock (alexsl, 2008)
- Movie 3:
- Fall Leaves, Photobucket (Elise Bunce)
- Winter trees, Flickr (eltpics, 2009)
- Sunny Spring, Flickr (Stanley Zimny, 2009)
- My next computer system, Flickr (Sheba_Also, 20140
- Fast ticking clock cartoon animation, YouTube (Quince Media Production, 2012)
- Screenshots of CATIA software program used by Welch's class**
- Video of students and classroom**
- Assignment List screenshot*
- Becalmed, Flickr (Riv, 2005)
- Students working together on a project, iStock (LuckyBusiness, 2013)
- Example of student drawings and projects*
- Screenshot of Welch's online tutorials*
- Bicycle diagram*
- Project rubric*
- Movie 4:
- Time with Students graphic**
- Video of students and classroom**
- Screenshot of Welch'sonline video tutorials**
- Lectures and practice graphic**
- Team project rubric*
- Hand built barchar, iStock (zoom-zoom, 2011)
- Grading summary*
- Photos of student work- cars and drawings*
- Movie 5:
- Powerpoint from CIIA workshop**
- Calendar Time Flies, iStock (studeioimagen, 2004)
- Snowball Rolling video, Flickr (Dru!, 2009)
*Photos, screenshots and student examples provided by Jeremiah Welch (2014)
** Graphics, screenshots and video footage provided by Becca Freimuth (2014)
Notes on Purchased Images
Images obtained via Stock.xchng were acquipink legally and are used in accordance with their image license agreement. Images obtained via iStockphoto were purchased legally and are used in accordance with their content license agreement .